The Future of Cyber Security: A topic that will change from one week to the next
By Beth Jenkins | Cyber Personality of the Year 2023
The future of cyber security is a complex topic, given that the future of cyber security changes every day. That’s one of the great things about working in this industry—there is always something new right around the corner. With emerging technologies constantly furthering the industry, we, as specialists, must adapt and change.
If you lined up 100 cyber security specialists, and asked them, “What do you think is the future of cyber security?” I bet you’d have 100 different answers. For this reason, I’m confident that the future of cybersecurity lies in the people in the industry. The ever-changing landscape that we find ourselves in prompts each of us to view cyber security from a slightly different perspective. Even if I asked my colleagues this question, we’d all have different opinions based on our knowledge and experience. We need this variety and these differing views in an industry that demands so much of us. Constant new technologies, new capabilities, and new threats demand cyber security specialists to expand their knowledge to protect others.
I am thrilled to work at a university that allows me to have some impact – however small – on the next generation of cybersecurity specialists. My classes discuss how we think the industry is changing and shifting. They all come up with ideas about how they think the trends will move in the coming years, new threats that could emerge with it, and how they think cyber security will change to cope. It’s these conversations that inspire me to write this article. The future of cyber security is often sitting in front of me, and their passion for the industry is contagious. I am certain that I won’t be the only lecturer who feels this way.
I am very proud of my students and the impact they will have on this industry. The future of cyber security is a topic that will change from one week to the next, however, a certain thing about the industry is that we will always need people to learn, grow, and develop.